Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

The Professionalization of a Technical Revolution

Author: Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Sasse / Editors

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has evolved from a futuristic idea to a driving force in online marketing. This transformation is characterized by continuous innovation and the development of new technologies that will last until the beginning of 2024. AI is no longer just a supporting tool, but is increasingly becoming an indispensable part of the strategic direction of companies. It enables deeper analysis of customer data, more precise targeting, and more efficient marketing campaigns.

The integration of AI into online marketing has fundamentally changed the way businesses interact with their customers. It enables personalized customer experiences and helps optimize marketing strategies. With the increasing availability of large amounts of data and advanced analytical methods, new opportunities are opening up to make marketing processes more efficient and effective.

“AI First” as a Strategic Imperative

“AI First” is an approach that considers AI as a central pillar of business strategy. It’s about taking full advantage of AI’s capabilities by embedding it in all aspects of the business. This approach enables companies to react faster to market changes, drive innovation and secure competitive advantage. AI is seen not only as a tool to increase efficiency, but as an integral part of fundamentally changing the way decisions are made.

Pioneers in this field have shown that the use of AI strategies can lead to significant improvements in various areas of the business. Companies that adopt an “AI-first” strategy use technology to gain deeper insights into customer preferences, optimize processes, and develop innovative products and services. However, this approach requires a change in business management and a willingness to invest in the development and integration of AI technologies.

Application of AI in the business world

The application of AI in the business world is diverse and growing steadily. In the logistics sector, for example, AI is being used to optimize supply chains and reduce delivery times. By analyzing data such as traffic patterns and weather conditions, AI systems can suggest more efficient routes and thus reduce costs. In the FinTech space, AI enables the analysis of large amounts of transaction data, which helps improve fraud detection and optimize financial services.

Another important aspect is the importance of a clear and concise briefing for AI systems. The quality of the input data and the clarity of objectives are crucial for the success of AI applications. A well-structured briefing allows AI to deliver accurate and relevant results, which in turn leads to more efficient and effective business decisions.

The trend towards tailor-made AI solutions

The trend is increasingly moving towards individual AI solutions that are specifically tailored to the needs of a company. These customized solutions enable deeper integration of AI into business processes and lead to more effective use of the technology. In retail, for example, AI-powered analytics systems enable insights into customer behavior and inventory levels, leading to better product placement and inventory usage.

administration. Similarly, AI solutions are being used in healthcare to analyze patient data and assist with diagnoses, resulting in more accurate and personalized patient care. These individual AI approaches enable companies to tailor their services and products precisely to the specific needs of their customers, thus creating significant added value.

Use of AI in online marketing

Data Analytics & Predictive Insights

Analyzing large amounts of data is a core aspect of AI in marketing. AI tools can collect, analyze, and summarize data from various marketing campaigns to make predictions about the outcome of future campaigns. By analyzing historical data, such as customer engagement metrics, marketers can save time and make their strategies more efficient. For example, AI can help predict the effectiveness of ad placements or optimize the target audience.

Content Generation & Personalization

AI can be used to generate content. This includes developing headlines, social media posts, email subject lines, and even blog posts. While AI-generated content is often not immediately ready for publication, it can still serve as a foundation that is refined by marketers.

Examples of the use of AI in content generation include Netflix and Amazon, which use AI to create personalized recommendations for their users. But this article was also largely created with the help of AI. In the meantime, she takes over research, develops the structure and fills it with content. The author increasingly becomes an editor and director who checks the output of the AI and shapes the article in dialogue with the AI and brings it into the desired format.

Media Buying & Targeting

AI technologies can also be used in media buying to predict the most effective ad and media placements for a target audience and maximize ROI. This includes the use of specialized software that gives the media buying team recommendations for ad spend and helps them reach the right audience.

Customer Service & Chatbots

Chatbots based on artificial intelligence can provide quick solutions to problems for customers, nurture leads, answer recurring questions, and more. They personalize the customer journey and can answer customer questions, even outside of pre-programmed paths.

Dynamic Audience Targeting

By combining and analyzing large amounts of data, such as demographic information, existing customer data, and market trends, gen AI can help identify additional audience segments. This allows businesses to create personalized content for these segments, thus designing more effective marketing campaigns. Gen AI can also be used to optimize marketing strategies through A/B testing of various elements such as page loading, copywriting, and SEO strategies, using predictive analytics and data-driven recommendations.

Overall, it shows that AI can be used in marketing in a variety of ways and helps to make marketing strategies more efficient and personalized. It offers a wealth of opportunities to automate marketing processes while delivering relevant, customer-tailored content.

The Future of AI in Business

Integrating AI into online marketing and beyond into all areas of business is now not just an option, but a necessity for forward-thinking companies. This integration does not always take place directly, but is indirectly transported to all sectors of the economy and forms of business by ubiquitous software solutions such as Office and industry solutions. AI makes it possible to react faster to changes in the market, to understand customer needs more precisely and to increase the efficiency of business processes. Companies that successfully integrate and apply this technology can secure sustainable competitive advantages.

The future of AI in the business environment is one of continuous innovation and adaptation to the rapidly changing digital landscape. Companies that are willing to invest in this technology and integrate it into their strategies will not only strengthen their market position, but also secure their future in the digitized world. However, all other companies and sectors of the economy that are unable to proactively follow and apply such innovations for a variety of reasons will also increase their performance. So, AI can be a “booster” for the economy, which can be very positive in a time of global reordering and change.