With these 4 tips you can improve your social media content

Author: Markus Reiferscheid from Text:Wort – die Textagentur für den Mittelstand

Many companies treat their social media profile like a withered wallflower:
For weeks, nobody pays attention – and only with luck does an intern take pity every few months
and posts a product photo.

But why is that? After all, we spend an average of 142 minutes on our social media channels. It is also well known that companies with a well-maintained social media profile spread a positive public image.

The answer to this question is versatile: Often it has to do with the fact that employees do not really know what to post. But it’s not that difficult. Even with these four tips you can improve your social media content sustainably.

Tip 1: Get to know the target group

Before companies post anything, they should find out as much as possible about their target audience. Admittedly, this is nothing new and is part of every marketing campaign. However, social media channels have the advantage that companies can find out everything about their target groups.

Employees should find out

  • when your target groups are online
  • what content they particularly like and share with other users
  • what content they comment on negatively
  • What other brands they communicate with

With this information, businesses can maximize the success of their posts. After all, they know when most users read them and what content they share.

At the same time, companies can better assess which content does not appeal. This information is also valuable: with it, they avoid producing ineffective content.

Tip 2: Watch the target group

After companies have analyzed the superficial behavior of their target groups, they should deepen the acquired knowledge. Above all, needs are in the foreground.

Users who mention other brands and themes often express their wishes. Companies should address them in their social media content: this will automatically make it relevant and worth reading.

Tip 3: Don’t get bored

Pizza tastes good. At least for one evening. Ok: For die-hards, pizza might taste good every day in a row for a week. But even the biggest pizza lovers probably want to eat something different after a month.

It’s the same with social media content. Only stories about your own brand bore users at some point. But how can marketers counteract this? There are tried and tested formats for this:

  • Tips and analyses on thematically obvious things in order to offer users professional added value
  • Quotes that entertain and inspire users
  • Statistics that quickly reveal exciting correlations
  • Real stories that are exciting and entertaining at the same time

But that’s not all. It is worthwhile to offer users different perspectives on a topic from time to time.

How do companies do it? For example, by interviewing external experts and publishing the result on their website. Posts with such exciting links are more interesting than the thousandth product photo in a week. Many companies have therefore already looked for industry-specific authors and entertained their readers with the results of the interviews.

User content also provides a breath of fresh air. Companies can reproduce and distribute posts by users themselves. This even has a trust-building effect: employees show that they really care about the fans and that they also read their content.

Tip 4: Make content easy to digest

The attention span of the average user on the Internet is extremely low. According to one study, it is only a few seconds higher than that of a goldfish. This is especially true for social media channels: For example, users often scroll through them with their smartphones when they are on the move and distracted.

Companies must therefore make their social media content “easily digestible”. In plain language, this means that a teaser for a product from robotics that requires explanation should dispense with a bead of technical terms.

A few statements in short sentences are enough. Texts that are as simple as possible are an essential rule in content marketing in general. This is especially important for social media content.

Employees should therefore be careful not to publish a novel on Facebook. Instead, only individual aspects of the topic and a good headline are usually enough to make users curious.

Especially small videos that explain an exciting aspect and then teaser on the content of the website have proven to be effective. Social media content should therefore always remain as short as possible.

How to improve your social media content

Social media profiles shouldn’t be a wallflower. With a few procedures you ensure that your posts are successful.

To do this, you first have to analyze your target group: For example, it is important that you know when they are online.

You deepen your knowledge by looking at how the target group communicates with other brands and what needs they express. Your content should meet these needs.

Finally, make sure that you post a healthy mix of different content formats on your profile and keep your posts as simple as possible. Then your social media profiles will get more attention.