1st place in voice search! Tips for voice search optimization

Voice search and voice search marketing are becoming increasingly popular. Forecasts for 2020 even predict that 50% of all search queries will be entered by voice. 30% of these should also be answered by voice output. 1

The real challenge for online marketing lies in the voice output: instead of 10 search hits, there will only be one search hit in voice search. “The winner takes it all!”

This makes it all the more important to deal with voice search optimization and to position yourself in good time. But how? We have researched tips from experts on the web and prepared our top 4 tips and tricks for voice search optimization on Google, Alexa, Siri and Co. for you.

4 tips for voice search optimization

Write and think in conversations

Stop thinking in keywords. Language searches are longer and more natural. Raise natural questions in your content and provide easy-to-consume answers. Then there’s a good chance that your content will be used in voice search. For W questions (who, how, what, when, where……) there are great free tools on the web. 2

Use semantic markups and structured data

Semantic markup 3 makes it easier for search engines to understand what information you provide. Mark places, prices, products, measurements and contact details so that voice assistants can reliably answer all questions about you and your products.

Optimize for featured snippets

You know features snippets, which are the instant answers that Google sometimes shows at the top of search results. They are also referred to as position 0 of the search results because they are still above the coveted first position.

Featured snippets present text excerpts (e.g. definitions), tables, lists and videos. 4 In order to be displayed as a featured snippet by Google, you must present a suitable content in the page in question. If you use tables and list formats as often as possible, then you are on the right track. If you don’t shy away from the effort, glossaries, FAQs and wikis can also work great.

Voice search is mobile, so provide local information

Do you have an office or shop? Then be sure to inform your customers and visitors about the address, opening hours, etc. – not only on the website, but also in Google Business (so that you can be found in the voice search of Maps) and keep all business listings (at least in the largest business directories) up to date. Want to do more? Then take the opportunity to inform you about great locations nearby or explain the best parking options. How to become a local hero in Local Search + Voice Search.


  1. Article(s): The future of search is voice
  2. W-Question Tool: AnswerThePublic.com
  3. https://schema.org/
  4. Sistrix: What are featured snippets?